- Our environmental monitoring is designed to help us understand the natural environment of your organisation and protect it from any negative outcome of human activity. This encompasses the internal environment of a human occupied spacecraft, including the atmosphere, water supplies, and all surfaces.
- As a tool to assess environmental conditions and trends, support policy development and its implementation, and develop information for reporting to national policymakers, international forums and the public; we offer our services to this effect.
As the concern of climate change rapidly increases, organizations and government agencies are leaning towards finding a solution that works for all. Environmental Audits play a significant role in Sustainability as it keeps companies and organizations accountable by examining their practices and determining what measures are required to ensure that the proper regulations are adhered to. Our experienced environmental experts and auditors will work with you to lower energy usage levels, raw materials use, waste and pollution reduction as well as mitigate the risks of accidents and potential emergency situations.
Benefits of an environmental audit include the following:
- Protection of the environment and natural resources vital to your organization
- Ensure strict compliance with the current environmental and energy laws
- Identify non-compliance issues and adopt proactive measures.
- Firms with sound stewardship programs are desirable to investors
- Highlight commitment for the environmental protection of clients
- Alignment with the established sustainable development goals
- Identify waste minimization opportunities which in turn leads to immense cost savings.

Greenhouse Gas / Carbon Footprint Assessments
- The first step of any organization's sustainability/carbon management program is to gain an independent & thorough understanding of its current green-house gas (GHG) emissions. A carbon footprint analysis, also known as a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions assessment, evaluates the greenhouse gas emissions caused by the manufacture of a product or any given activity that contributes to global warming.
- Our Carbon Footprint Assessment service is tailored to suit your organization's profile. The appraisal will be based on a set of energy usage, travel/transport and other operational parameters, which may include supply chain considerations.
Carbon Offset Development Projects
Offsetting provides a mechanism to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the most cost-effective and economically efficient manner. A Carbon offset is a way to compensate for your emissions by funding an equivalent carbon dioxide saving elsewhere. Our everyday actions, at home and at work, consume energy and produce carbon emissions, such as driving, flying and heating buildings. Our team has a broad range of sectoral experience including forestry, waste, transportation, agriculture, wetlands, renewable energy and energy efficiency. In general terms, the offset development process encompasses:
- Identifying offset generating opportunities
- Conducting an initial feasibility assessment
- Relationship building to support best possible project outcomes
- Full feasibility assessment
- Submitting a Project Idea Document to prospective clients, financiers and partners
- Establishing and negotiating purchase contracts
- Modelling the full extent of carbon emissions and accruals associated with the project activities
- Developing and writing the Project Design Document
- Validation of the project design and carbon assertions
- Project implementation
- Verification of carbon claims
- Offset documentation and registration
- Sale of offsets

Carbon Inset Development Projects
What if companies could support carbon offset projects within their direct supply chains? What if they could offset some portion of their carbon emissions by financing targeted forestry initiatives to bolster their supply chains and ensure reliable procurement of key natural ingredients? That is wholesomely what Carbon Insetting is about. It is about businesses investing in the ecosystems their suppliers depend on to increase their resiliency and provide significant, measurable benefits to communities surrounding the value chain.
It utilizes an organization’s investment to promote sustainable practices and reduce its carbon footprint within its own value chain.
Carbon Insetting is not just good for the climate; your company benefits economically and creates an image of itself as a responsible firm
- Financial funding for climate protection stays within the company or the value chain
- Stakeholder relationships are strengthened
- Active supply chain management helps to identify strengths and weaknesses
- You can consolidate your organization’s image as one that wants to take responsibility for achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement
Environmental Impact Assessment is a useful tool for promoting sustainable development because it includes many components that can help facilitate the progress in development. The EIA is a means of avoiding environmental disturbances that are always much more expensive to correct after their occurrence than before. Our environmental consultants give practical and effective advice, impact assessments and reports on key environmental issues from license application, planning and development through operations and decommissioning
Monttanai’s Environmental Impact Assessment includes:
- Licensing and permitting
- Environmental reporting support
- Consultation and stakeholder liaison
- Environmental support and management Environmental impact assessment (including development of scopes of work and supervision of local consultants for National permitting)
- Strategic environmental assessment