Come on board the Mottainai green revolution movement today and take responsibility for your waste in a smart way while earning from them.
- Don't waste what nature gives you.
- Don't be environmentally irresponsible
- Don't give your waste to fishes in the ocean, they don't need it.
- Stop adding more waste to the landfills, it’ll soon be unable to accommodate them.
- Stop blocking the drainages. It's useless to them but useful to you.
Do right to save the planet
Are you ready to join our community of smart recyclers? Get started in these easy steps:
Avaliable on Playstore and App storeDownload
Download the MOTTAINAI App on google playstore or app store
Fill out the form, submit, verify your information and create your account.
Log In to your Account to start enjoying premium services and smile to the bank.
On-Demand Pickup
Request a pickup service for your recyclables and we would handle the rest!
Mottainai gives you 4 options for redeeming your points earned:
1 Cash out
You can decide to move your cash to your bank account instead. It gets you to prepare a decent meal and probably get some groceries at home !
2 Add to your e-wallet
Little drops of water make a mighty ocean. Get your rewards to store up in your e-wallet until you’re ready to use it for any of the options listed above.
3Augment your bill
Robbing Peter to pay paul. Yeah, my waste, my right. If you sort your waste correctly, Mottainai will give you value for your waste, which can be used to pay or augment your waste pickup bill. It gets the waste collection company paid to be more effective, reduce waste at the landfill and gets you to save money in your pocket.
4 Donate to a cause
Imagine what a few bucks here and there from a billion in our continent will do everyday; it will feed, clothe and school the needy which improves our GDP standing at 12.4 and improve it to 67.2 by 2030. The fishes in the ocean don't need your waste, It kills them but our continent does. It takes us out of poverty.